“The Lord has done marvels for us, Holy is His name.”- Luke1:49
We are the privileged children of Pallikunnath Devassy & Thressia. We started this Trust in memory of
our beloved and exemplary parents, to express our gratitude and appreciation, for the great lessons
they have taught us through their words and example. From our childhood, we have seen and
experienced their trust in God, prayer life, self-sacrifice, love and forgiveness, hard work, unity,
gratitude to God for everything, goodness of heart, generosity and sharing, even when we had very
little and were going through hard times ourselves. They have left a deep impression on us all and
they inspire us to imitate their qualities in our lives. Through this Trust, we want to practise some of
them very concretely, namely, our unity, generosity and gratitude to God, for His abundant blessings,
by an organized way of extending our help towards the needy.